youre so old now. you look like anything could kill you.

i made a new account my 2014 one was cancer @massoholic

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Posted by massoholic - January 21st, 2022

big autistic blogpost about the zoomie game incoming, sorry in advance

hey its been a month since my last mod progress update, sorry about that, figured i should clear the air about some things since i've been kinda quiet about this again. might take a while but i'll be as transparent as i can about everything.

as far as my end of things goes, i'm still slowly but surely churning out sprites, just haven't been uploading them because i like keeping some things secret but here are a few little teases (not leaks :)))) for proof. these should be done pretty soon since i'm just getting my computer back to where it was pre-hard drive failure, so i'd say keep an eye out but i'm still more than likely going to keep shit under wraps except maybe the background and grounder since they're the only things i've revealed prior to this. anyway here's your teases, probably not too hard to guess what this stuff means if you've watched the show before even though one of these things was never in it




again im sorry about not posting much about this, im already a slow fucker, and on top of that i want this to look and be as good as i can get it. the last thing i want is to rush shit to try and meet a deadline or outpace other mods that are gonna be treading the same ground (btw check out YTP invasion if you somehow haven't already, it looks so fucking sick and will probably come out sooner than my mod lol), this is purely for fun so im going to pace myself with it, as much as that might disappoint some people. its something im doing because im a sonic autist at heart and i really like what funkin offers for people new to gamedev and animation. i'm sorry for dragging things out, but i want this to come out the best it can without people having to rush or bust their balls too much over it. people have been cranking out mods so fast lately that it feels like they almost take no effort at all, but for someone brand new to this stuff, it's a process getting things together and learning as you go along. that's just more bitching though lmao, i'll try to keep that to a minimum here. point is, i'm working on a bunch of things for this, just not going public with a lot of it. i'll share some minor stuff here and there but i probably wont show off anything big until i start getting things for this next section.

now for the other big part of the project, music. this is where shit starts to get a little shaky. like i said before, jacaris is the composer i initially got on board. they've been cranking out some seriously good shit lately and i'm super happy for them and how much they're accomplishing, but right now it looks like they've been so busy that they haven't been able to get to my mod specifically. i've reached out a few times for progress updates and haven't gotten a response, so i'm assuming the workload has gotten pretty heavy for them. i wish jacaris the best and hope the projects they're working on come out great, but this obviously leaves me in a pretty tight spot. i've looked around a bit and again, haven't had much luck in finding anyone to do music for this. there's someone i have in mind to reach out to, but before i shoot my shot with that, i need to know whether or not jacaris is dropping out, even if i'm starting to believe that's the case. it's not fair for me to get someone else to do that job when i haven't cleared it with the original person in that position. i'm also not entirely innocent here, i've been lenient on sharing progress updates and spent a lot of time practicing art which, while it could benefit the mod in the long run, is mostly for my own personal gain in the field. the mod's been a priority for me for a long time now, and i've been neglecting to give it the attention it deserves, so if it ends up getting canned it's more than likely going to be my fault for being a shitstain. if that does end up being the case though, i'm 100% dumping the assets here and probably someplace else so people can at least mess around with what i have. it's not much, i know, but it's the best i can do if that ends up being the case

tl;dr,kys: art's coming along for now with the pc recovery and jacaris is really busy. modding is hard waaaah waaaah. not posting this on 6chins because im not gonna bitch and moan to anons when i don't have anything major to show off to compensate for the whining

anyway that's it, gonna get back to work on it so i can feel a little less guilty about this stuff lel

have this old mural submission for scrolling through this wall of text about le trendy flash game 4kids. maybe it'll mean something for the maybe not




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