havent posted shit in like a month here so i just wanted to say im not dead, just really fucking busy
college is kicking my ass right now, ive got a pretty big shitposty thing in mind for next month that ive been planning since last year and im trying to get it out on schedule, and on top of that im still cranking out art for robotnik
its hard to find a lot of free time to work on the latter two with how classes and irl stuff have been going but ideally once the project ive got lined up is done things should open up a bit and ill be posting as usual again. look at this cool picture in the mean time ok love you
Mate, you die as much as you need to, if you got trouble with colauge then go and sort that out before doing stuff like Robotnik and that huge shitpost, also it's fine to dissapear for awhile if you're just kinda doin stuff, nothin special's happening and you got no reason to post.